STEP FIFTEENThe prompt asks you to select a rail curve.
In the viewing panel go back to the rail_crv view and click on the rail curve.
The prompt then asks you for the rail curve sweep pivot position.
Set the pivot position to be in the same position as the generation curve pivot by dragging the locator to the start point of the rail curve with the mouse button.
In the the Monorail controls options window, set the Rail Pivot Parameter to 0.0.
Click on the Go button.
Note: Because of the large rotational value, a message will appear stating that the surface being created will need more spans to be successful. Click on the Yes button to allow the system to increase the number of spans.
Note: Due to the large rotational value, the cord may take a short time to construct.
CONCLUSIONYou have learned how to create a coiled surface using the Monorail tool. You also learned the importance of using a construction plane when you need to build geometry planar to an angular point.