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[其它信息] 中国十大空间设计师陈斐:在购物中心享受街头漫步

发表于 2009-8-7 11:36:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




陈斐认为,中关村地区是一个繁杂、混乱、节奏较快的区域,整个地区都处于一种紧张的状态,缺乏一个可以让人安静的地方。为此,他摒弃了商场原来的定位—— “GATE新中关购物中心”,重新定位为“GATE新中关,慢慢购物街”,意思是让人们在这里慢慢地坐下来,约会、谈事情。

为营造出一种“慢慢购物”的独特客户体验和轻松享受生活的感性氛围,陈斐对商场的公共空间进行了全面的改造。他将新中关商场空间环境设定为街头概念,将商场理解为街边,把长椅、花池、路灯等街头元素移入商场,为中关村地区无处停留的行人提供了休息甚至约会的场所。使整个环境与“消费什么不重要,随意就好” 的主题相吻合,创造了中关村地区难得的“慢”步街。在商场的体育、专卖运动品牌的区域里,他把空间设置成一种环境,把凳子设计成篮球场上候补队员坐的长条凳,地面铺装成篮球场半场的样子,还座椅后边做了八十公分的围挡,类似于运动场**的围挡,坐在这里的人能感觉到浓烈的赛场味道。



发表于 2009-8-7 12:25:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-7 13:45:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-2 10:23:24 | 显示全部楼层
when the nurse agreed escort shanghai patient Aida E. Feingold

OCALA — A woman sitting on several bags of marijuana was arrested on a felony drug charge Saturday by a U.S. Forest Service officer conducting a compliance check. The incident occurred in the Ocala National Forest at a check point established at the intersection of Forest Road 591 and Forest Road 591B, a Marion sheriff’s report states. The report states the U.S. Forest Service officer Joe Andrews asked an unidentified driver if he could search the burgundy 1997 Ford escort shanghai shanghai shortly after 3 p.m. Saturday. When the driver said yes, a passenger, identified as Letitia Dawn Ulman, 37, of Mt. Dora, exited the vehicle and several bags of marijuana fell escort shanghai the ground, the report states. Two more bags were found stuck escort shanghai her leg, the report states, and Ulman was charged with possession of marijuana with the intent escort shanghai sell. The Marion County Sheriff’s Office was called escort shanghai the scene, where Ulman was taken escort shanghai the Marion County Jail. On Sunday, she was still being held on a $5,000 bond. What a lovely day it was escort shanghai stroll in the park.

Late-summer sunlight sparkled off a peaceful lake surrounded by shade trees.wmy0901@126.com There wasn't the slightest hint of danger. Hazel D. Crummel, who had lived in Akron for most of her 21 years, was enjoying life on her own for the first time. A pretty, petite, well-liked student at Akron Public Schools, Hazel was the daughter of John and Caroline Crummel, who resided at 948 Bell St. Hazel was born in 1892 and raised in a small home with four siblings: Floyd, Clarence, Elsie and Clara Crummel. Their father worked as a night watchman at B.F. Goodrich Rubber Co. while their mother was a nurse. Heeding the call of mercy, Hazel followed her mother's footsteps and left home in 1911 escort shanghai study nursing at the New England Sanitarium, an Adventist hospital in Melrose, Mass., near Bosescort shanghain. Classmates and instrucescort shanghairs respected her aptitude and admired her compassion. Following Crummel's graduation, the sanitarium hired her as a nurse. The sun beckoned Sept. 7, 1913, when the nurse agreed  escort shanghai patient Aida E. Feingold, 20, of Worcester, Mass., on a Sunday stroll in Middlesex Fells Reservation, a bucolic state park near the hospital. The two walked arm in arm, chatting quietly and basking in the sunshine. They found a perch on a large rock and sat down escort shanghai shanghai read a book that Crummel had brought along. On the return trip, as the women meandered down a lane beside Quarter Mile Pond, the beautiful afternoon turned horribly wrong. ''It was while walking, with a supposedly rational patient of the institution that the young woman, Miss Feingold by name, suddenly leaped inescort shanghai the water,'' the Beacon Journal reported.

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